Wonderful! Do you live in New York City? Fantastic! Are you under 20 years old? Even better! Because we are a Brooklyn-based operation, we find it preferable that individuals interested in our unpaid internships be based in New York; because our entire staff is under 18, we would prefer to take on extremely hard-working and highly motivated teenagers. Good Prattle being an intensely small operation, interning with us is a far more involved process than the average internship: in addition to the routine research and transcribing, interns work alongside editorial staff and are expected to help place ads, compile content, arrange shoots and interviews, promote Good Prattle, and pitch in on a variety of other tasks. Hey--we never said it was light work!HOW TO APPLY
Write us an email at editor@goodprattle.com with your full name and location and (if applicable) the school you attend, and be sure to attach the following items as separate documents:Your resume. We know that as a teenager you probably haven't had years and years of work experience... that's all right. Include what you can. Editor of your school literary magazine? Short story writer in your spare time? Yeah!
A sample of your work. Again, we know that you might not have had the chance to do much, but we need to see something: send us the interview of your neighbor that made it into the school paper, some of your photography, or anything that showcases your skill and hard work.
Answers to the following questions:
- What is your favorite Good Prattle interview and why? You must have reasons beyond the identity of the subject.
- Pitch us a new editorial feature. Describe it. Why do you think this would be an appropriate regular feature for Good Prattle to run?
- What people living today would you interview if you had the chance and why?
- Take one of the people you mentioned for the last question and conduct an imaginary five-question interview with one of them. Be creative!
- What sorts of advertisements would you include in a Good Prattle publication or undertaking if you had free reign? Please don't say "none at all"; the thought is nice but not all our projects are as cheap to run as the website.
- How would you promote Good Prattle if it were your job exclusively to do so?
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